I always said that I really don’t have my own style or identity to my photography, mostly because I’m still in the beginning phase of my photography (this September will mark 2 years in photography). Another reason for the “lack of style/identity” is due to the fact that I really haven’t had an event come up that I’ve needed to have one. I don’t have a full time job as any certain type of photographer, I get to be as creative as I would like be when I’m getting shots for the Grim-blog or YouTube, and I’m pretty good at adapting to what True Northwest Magazine needs when I shoot for them. Coming up soon, I have a project where I’m being asked to “transform” and explore another genre of photography that I’ve not shot before, and I’m super excited about it. (More to come on that project soon).
Talking about transforming, I’ve realized just recently that like a Chameleon, I seem to be able to flow in between different genres fairly easily when I’m needed to. It’s never perfect, and I’m fully aware that I may never reach a “mastery” of any certain genre. But again, like a chameleon that changes its appearance to mimic its surroundings, my style/identity in each genre suites the viewers eye well enough to be perceived as “almost perfect”. it’s not going to be perceived that way for everyone, and there are photographers out there that are WAY more talented than myself, but again I’m aware of that and try my best to do and be the best at “who I am”, which is simply someone that’s just trying to produce quality images until I DO find my own style/identity.
Like I mentioned above, the next couple weeks I’ll have the opportunity to work with a client that I’ve admired for awhile now, not just shooting photography for them, but capturing their story for the magazine as well (both photo & video). I may be gone for a bit from my consistent writing, just while I’m focusing on giving them the best me I can bring to tell their story. I’ll still try to write during, it may just come out on a different day, might be shorter, or there may be no change at all (really who knows what’ll happen).
I don’t have any new photos this week, but instead I’ll post some of my old favorites, and as always I hope you enjoyed the read. Have great days ahead, and I’ll catch y’all later.
Andrew Hoyle - Grimlock Media